You’ve worked hard to make your small business successful. There have been more 18 hour days than you can remember. Yet, when the end of month profit numbers come in, your net profits aren’t commensurate with your expectations (or your labor). Profits are coming in, but the comparison against outgoing monies is barely positive. Obviously the situation calls for a change. How can you make this happen? Here are 6 Simple Swaps that Will Save Your Small Business Money.
Use Laptop computers
Possibly the greatest amount of money going out is your energy cost. A great way to reduce your energy consumption is by switching from desktop computers to laptops. Laptops offer energy savings of up to 90% when compared to desktops.
Examine your phone usage
It is possible to reduce communication costs by reducing the number of lines in use. A closer look at your current plan or switching to a more computer based system such as VoIP can also keep your costs down. Customer service can be kept at a high level regardless of which option you choose.
Take taxes into consideration
Year end tax bills can severely affect your business’s bottom line. An online savings account where quarterly tax monies are kept can eliminate those year-end tax bills and penalties. Hiring an accountant can serve a two-fold purpose: they can keep your books in order, and are knowledgeable about tax breaks and deductions.
Develop relationships with local colleges for internship possibilities. Interns receive college credits while working for your business in a seasonal or general position. You might even discover a young, sharp new employee for the future.
Word-of-mouth advertising
If advertising costs are eating into your bottom line, website testimonials can expand your footprint. With the connectivity engendered by today’s internet, it’s easy for your clients to pass on information and positive reviews to a larger audience.
Pre-printed forms
Why go to the added expense of custom designing forms for your business? Pre-made forms are available at numerous internet sites. Best of all, they’re free.
Starting your own small business is something you’re proud of achieving. All the hours you’ve spent trying to make it successful shouldn’t be in vain. By controlling costs, it is possible to finally reward your hard work, and your vision. Yes, you love the work you’re doing, but shouldn’t you make a little money too? Isn’t that why you started your business?