Virtual Carpenter Assistants & Receptionist Solutions
Owner of a Carpentry Company?
As an owner of a carpentry company, you’re busy optimizing space for homes and offices with shelving solutions, making sure that building frameworks are sturdy, ensuring that blueprints are being followed, and building great relationships with vendors.
Turn to virtual carpenter assistants to help you communicate better, faster, and more professionally!
From carrying confident conversations about landings, crownings, green buildings, rough carpentry and truss, you can count on our trusty Gabbonistas to speak positively and knowledgeably to your clients!
Allow Virtual Carpenter Assistants to Help You
Great customer service is top priority for virtual carpenter assistants!
The Stanton’s carpentry company has started renovating and contracting for their community in 2014. Because of their good job ethic, affordable service, and beautiful carpentry creations, it didn’t take long for them to build a name for themselves. They also promote natural and sustainable means to create projects big and small.
“We’re very thankful. We didn’t realize how much the community was in need of our services,” Mr. Stanton remarks.
“We pride ourselves with the attention we give to each project. It doesn’t matter what kind of project it is. We always want to give a hundred percent for every client,” he adds.
During the first few months, Mr. Stanton and his team were able to provide consistently great service to all their walk-in and call-in clients.
But as things got busier, it became tougher. Phones weren’t picked up on time as the receptionist helped walk-in clients inquiring about services.
“We ended up getting complaints even from our awfully nice regulars because we weren’t able to give the level of assistance they were used to receiving. It wasn’t long before we started losing them to companies located 5 miles away.”

Are you tired of missing calls and opportunities?
Are you ready to build a better business?
Try our 21-day money-back guarantee today!